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Nightingale Academy

Minster Church of England Primary School

Nurturing Foundations, Flourishing With God


British Values




Minster Church of England Primary School



British Values at Minster CEP School – Our Approach

(Most obvious links with Christian Value/school rule in italics)


Democracy: making decisions together 

Peace - Be safe and live together in harmony    


As part of the focus on self-confidence and self-awareness as cited in Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSHE):  

  • Children are encouraged to see their role in the bigger picture. It is important for children to know their views count and they value each other’s views and values as well as talking about their feelings. For example when they do or do not need help, the importance of their thoughts and ideas, sharing these during talking partner work, or giving their opinions.


    When appropriate, as a school, it is important to demonstrate democracy in action. For example, children sharing views on what the theme of their role play area could be with a show of hands or where they want their learning to progress as a class. We also ensure that when there are General Elections, children have the opportunity to understand how the process works by holding our own form of elections.


    Our School Council system also gives children a very clear understanding of democracy, as they have to vote for their elected representatives for their class, who then attend the meetings and report back to their classes, gathering views and opinions. They have to vote for things on the school council and we give the children opportunities to meet our local Parish Councillors as well.


  • Staff support and help to develop the decisions that children make and they provide activities that involve turn-taking, sharing and collaboration. Children are given opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued and where children are encouraged to think more widely about their school and local community, as well as further afield.


Rule of law: understanding rules matter as cited in Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) development

Justice - Be fair and do what is right


As part of our learning we develop how to manage our feelings and behaviour:  

  • We complete learning and activities that ensure that our children understand their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, and learn to distinguish right from wrong. Our ‘Good to Be Green’ system is an integral part of this as well as our school rules, which are based on our Christian Values. Children are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour, how it affects their own learning and the learning of others.

  • As part of this our staff will work with our children to collaborate and create the rules and the codes of behaviour in the classroom. For example, to agree the rules about tidying up and ensure that all children understand rules apply to everyone. They will also ensure that children understand the practical application of our wider school rules, mentioned above.


Individual liberty: freedom for all 

Creation - Be respectful and care for our school (this includes our school community)


As part of our learning we focus on self-confidence & self-awareness as well as people & communities as shown in the Foundation Stage curriculum (Personal, Social and Emotional Learning and Knowledge and Understanding the World) and in PSHE / Geography for example, in KS1 and KS2:  

  • Our curriculum supports children to develop a positive sense of themselves. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities. This can be done in many ways for example, through allowing children to take risks on an obstacle course, forest school, mixing colours, talking about their experiences and learning.

  • Staff encourage a range of experiences that allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, reflect on their differences and understand we are free to have different opinions. For example in a small group discuss how they feel about transferring into different year groups.


Mutual respect and tolerance: treat others as you want to be treated 

Friendship - Be the best friend that you can be

Forgiveness - Be kind and think of others


As part of our learning across the curriculum, both in the Foundation Stage and across the rest of the National Curriculum in KS1 and KS2, we focus on people & communities, managing feelings & behaviour and making relationships: 

  • We create an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and children are engaged with the wider community.

  • Children’s learning enables them to acquire a tolerance and appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures; know about similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, faiths,communities, culturesand traditions and share and discuss practices, celebrations and experiences.

  • Staff encourage and explain the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting other’s opinions.

  • Staff promote diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes, for example, sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences and providing resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping.


At Minster the following is not acceptable:

  • actively promoting intolerance of other faiths, cultures and races

  • failure to challenge gender stereotypes and routinely segregate girls and boys

  • isolating children from their wider community

  • failure to challenge behaviours (whether of staff, children or parents) that are not in line with the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs



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